When we said to sell on Instagram, we wouldn’t have understood much a few years ago. So, maybe we couldn’t even imagine such a thing. However, with the rapid introduction of technology into our lives, almost all our habits have changed. We have become sleepy with social media.
All the memorizations and all the dynamics in our lives have also changed with our entry into the digital world. We became friends in virtual environments, took online trainings, held online conferences and started to do many other things over the internet. In addition, while we have undergone so many radical changes, our understanding of e-commerce has changed. We met with different sales techniques. One of them is to sell on Instagram, which has been very popular lately.
More than 500 million people started using this form of e-commerce to sell products and make money. So, if you want to earn money by selling your products digitally and don’t know where to start, check out our suggestions:
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Suggestions to Sell on Instagram:
Open a corporate Instagram account:
Firstly, start by creating a new corporate identity. Using a business profile will build consumer trust. If you don’t want to lose followers on your own profile, either edit your existing account or send requests to followers. Corporate accounts provide trust for consumers and show that you care about your business. Include product images and product descriptions in this account.
Prepare product contents carefully:
Take care to write digital content articles for your products in a simple, understandable and clear language. In addition, write in a friendly and sincere manner. However, respond to messages from customers in your own language.
Use quality photos:
Carefully choose the photos of the product you want to sell on Instagram. So, use high resolution photos. Sharing professional photos shows the importance you give to your work. In addition, consumers will carefully examine the photos and decide to buy your products. You can even get a free “Photography Training” given by the Institute for this.
Redirect to your website:
I suggest you open a website about your products. To open your own website, I recommend you to take the “WordPress Training” provided by the Institute for free. Be sure that the investment you make in yourself will return to you many times. So, after opening a detailed and professional website, direct Instagram followers to this site. In this way, you can make all the products on your website appear. By activating sales on the website, you can enable your customers to shop in a safer environment.
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Use every feature of Instagram:
Instagram includes many promotional features. So, the more you actively use these features, the more you can promote your products. Promote your products often on Instagram story and live streams. Answer customer questions, gain trust.
Establish prestige:
Establishing prestige is important for selling on Instagram. Ask customers who have tried and used your products to comment on your page. Today, people take other user comments into consideration when buying a product that they have not seen or touched over the internet. There will be negative comments, of course. Answer them carefully and take them into consideration.
Use #hashtags:
If you want to sell on Instagram, you need to pay attention to hashtags. The more #hashtags you use on products, the more people you will see. So, don’t forget to use #hashtags under the photos. Also use it right, where and often.
Advertise effectively:
Advertising allows you to reach more people. So, Instagram advertising is a great way to promote your business. In this way, you can gain followers by attracting people’s attention and make more people see your products.
What is Required to Sell on Instagram, Steps to Follow
Selling on Instagram has become one of the trending business ideas of recent days. So, it took its place among the most attractive sales channels of the digital platform. Unfortunately, it is not enough to just open an account on Instagram and upload a few pictures.
You need to ensure that your target audience benefits from your product and service. For this, you can improve yourself by taking the “Effective Selling Techniques on Instagram Training” given free of charge by the Institute.
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What are the necessary and steps to follow to sell on Instagram:
Stick to legal obligations:
To sell your products on Instagram, you must comply with certain legal obligations. According to tax regulations, when sales are made to consumers through channels on the internet, tax liability arises. So, you do not have to set up a company to sell. However, it would be beneficial to establish a sole proprietorship or limited liability company in order to comply with the tax obligation. Tax rates vary according to the products you sell or the sales rate.
Choose new and different products:
Start by deciding what to sell. New and different products always attract attention. So, check out other sales pages. Find different, interesting products that no one else has. In this way, you can attract attention and increase your sales potential.
Examine pages with many followers:
Stores with many followers have achieved the necessary success. Examine these pages carefully. You will also get inspired. Apply it to your own product from a different perspective.
Set an interesting username:
The username you choose should attract attention and be memorable. Your username will represent you and your brand. In this way, your customers can easily reach your page by keeping in mind.
Use a profile photo:
Choose a profile picture that is eye-catching and reminds you of your products. This could be your logo for your store. This is how you will be recognized on Instagram.
Edit your Instagram profile professionally:
The serious preparation of your Instagram profile creates confidence and curiosity in the consumer. Edit using engaging professional images and images.
Include information such as payment methods, shipping information. So, specify the bank and IBAN number. Be sure to add your phone and e-mail address information to your profile. Create a professional content for the caption.
Share concise photos:
Do not constantly flood the followers with photos. Share concise photos daily. Be sure to enter the product description under the photos. Payment information and shipping information must also be specified.
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What Products Can You Sell On Instagram?
You want to sell and make money on Instagram. Firstly you need to decide what to sell. The fact that the product you intend to sell attracts attention and interest in terms of potential consumers will increase sales. You can sell many products on Instagram. Many of these are already on sale. However, you can use your creativity and try different alternatives. Products sold on Instagram:
- Jewelry and accessories made by yourself
- Hour
- hobby products
- oil paintings
- handicraft products
- Makeup supplies
- style clothes
- Shoes
- Toys
- Knitted products
- Bag
- Home cooking
- Souvenirs
- Special designs
- Perfume
- Computer games
- Book
- Phone and phone accessories
- Design Products
- pet products
- baby supplies
- Local clothes and costumes
- local food ingredients
- office supplies
- handmade flower
- decoration products
These are some of the products sold through Instagram so far. There is no limit to the sale. With your creativity and ability, with your profile that you have prepared effectively, you can start the work required to sell on Instagram.
What is Instagram sales?
Instagram selling is a form of e-commerce used by many individuals and businesses. Products are sold for interests and needs. It is the way of making sales through the channel that consumers easily reach, adhering to legal obligations.
What should be the payment option to sell on Instagram?
The most secure form of payment by consumers is cash on delivery and money order. You can build confidence by choosing these options at the beginning. This type of payment is sufficient until you reach a certain customer base.
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Is advertising important in Instagram sales?
Advertising is important to increase the recognition of your brand and product in Instagram sales. Advertising is an indispensable part of sales. You can increase your sales by making effective advertisements to stay in mind.